List Quality Checks
Keep your emails squeaky clean
Feel free to explore the rest of the tools and resources while your list processes. You are able to process one list every 24 hours.
Ok, let's input your emails.
Here's how it works
Step 1
Copy the emails from your list and paste them in the box below and click the button
Step 2
Wait a few minutes for your list to process. (You can close this window if you like.)
Step 3
See what percentage of your audience uses certain Mailbox Providers.
Why does contact verification matter?
Contact verification is essential to keep invalid contact data out of your database. Contact data can be invalid from the start, or it could be data that was once accurate but has decayed over time.
Invalid contact data can destroy your sender reputation, hinder email engagement, and waste valuable resources.
Sharpen your sending knowledge.
Learn how to improve your deliverability.